Mill Creek Wonders
tour leader
Mike Breheny
Hawkesbury River, Mill Creek, Sandstone plateaus, Darkinjung Country.
time & date
9.00am - 4.00pm
Saturday 22nd October 2022
fitness level
Hard (bush walking experience required, includes
some steep slopes, scrambling and climbing over
loose surfaces)
10 kms
ticket price
Morning tea at the Wombat cafe.
Spectacular heath flowers and plants amongst honeycomb caves and gullies.
Ridge top gallery at the headwaters of Gunderman and Mill Creeks
the tour
Gathering at the Wombat cafe join our expert guides for morning tea before starting out on a journey of wonder. On the valley floor hear about the Mill Creek tidal mill and the surrounding histories of settlement and resistance during the 1800s. Meandering upslope we pass through an abundance of Spring flora including the spectacular gymea lilies, banksia, and angophoras, on the way spotting birds and the tracks of mammals. High on the ridge at the headwaters of Mill and Gunderman creeks we arrive at an extensive plateau showing evidence of deep history. Hear about McCarthy's explorations around Flat Rocks Ridge and other galleries between Gunderman and Mangrove Creek with Paddy Pallin in the 1940s.
the guide
Mike Breheny has lived in and explored the Mangrove Creek area for over 30 years gaining extensive geographical and botanical knowledge that he loves sharing with others. As an experienced outdoor guide he has led bush walks and run leadership courses in and around the Hawkesbury River and is an active member of Central Coast Birders. Mike is joined by local historian Dr Bernadette Flynn who brings a rich knowledge of the public and social history of the Mangrove Creek catchment area.