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Mailman Track 

tour leader

Belinda Cook


Glenworth Valley, Hospital Gully, Popran, the mailman track

time & date

9.00am -4.00pm

Sunday 12th June 2022

fitness level

Moderately hard (bush walking experience required)

14 kms

ticket price



  • Traverse the early bridle mailman track

  • Hear stories about Glentworth valley, horse export markets and visit the oldest house on the Central Coast

  • Explore the sites of hospital gully set aside for Aboriginal people in 1837

the tour

Join outdoor specialist Belinda Cook on this exploration of the mailman route used since the 1820s as the connection between Mangrove Creek communities and the Central Coast. Starting with a morning tea at the hub at Mangrove Mountain we trace the original bridle path from Popran, along the heath ridgetop and descend into Glenworth Valley. We hear stories of the characters of the area - Granny Wallbank who walked the 48kms across three ranges and two gullies carrying a baby; the Kellys who bred horses from the British army in India and experimented with goat farming. We visit the original stone homestead, one of oldest houses on the Central Coast built in 1832 and learn more about Hospital Gully and the fate of Owen Maloney. 

the guide

Belinda Cook is an accredited outdoor adventure guide who loves sharing the magic of adventure
with others. Belinda has been exploring the wild places of the Central coast for over 20yrs and has
built up an extensive knowledge of the hidden trails and out of the way places along with expertise
in local flora and fauna identification. Her BA is in History and English. Belinda is joined by local historian Dr Bernadette Flynn who brings a rich knowledge of the public and social history of the Mangrove Creek catchment area.

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